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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweet Synth Man

For this new and unique project, I used the SimSynth synth generator and the Drum Kit 2 from the drum kit packs. I chose a riff that sounded cool in the Riff Machine and I set the drum beat I made to match the synth section. the synth part for the SVF Cut knob gradually rises, arcs downward, and finishes as it rises again. The SVF Emphasis knob starts a little higher than level, dips down, rises sharply, stays level with one little spike that rises, than gradually decreases. The Master Volume stays the same but on the fourth loop it drops to fade out. The synth pattern is looped four times. The drum beat is a 16th note ride pattern on the hi hat, a half note pattern on the snare with variation at the end, and the bass changes to add variation to the beat. The drum beat also drops out before the synth pattern finishes for cool effect. I do not listen to techno by any means so the inspiration is unknown but I must say the only techno I've ever heard is Daft Punk so it may contain trace elements of whatever they write.

1 comment:

  1. I like this loop very much. the simple drums support the busy chopped part well.
