For this project, I had no inspiration at all. The items I used were the Poizone for the synth, FL Slayer for the guitar, and the RealDrumKit for the drum parts. I used the default setting for Poizone but I tweaked it around for a sound that I liked. I chopped up the synth part and I also copied the part and pasted to the FL Slayer so they played the same thing basically. In Fl Slayer I chose the POWER Metal preset. For the guitar part I added a fruity filter to channel found tweaked the settings like this: 3/4 cut off frequence, full resonance, 3/4 low pass, full band pass, 1/3 high pass, and full X2. The the synth part I added an X-Y Control and recorded more towards the high frequency section.
There is a lot of processing going on here, and that was the point of the project, so well done. Copying and pasting a chopped pattern is a good start, but try to grow past it. Listen to what each synth is capable of bringing to the piece, and write a part for each synth. For example, the Poizone synth sounds great playing the part you have- it's very busy- lots of notes. The Slayer part on the other hand is a guitar simulator, and probably would sound better playing long, sustained chords rather than doubling the busy rhythm of the Poizone. Consider filling out the bass end of your tonal spectrum with something too.